David Axel
With more degrees than a thermometer and more drums than an oil refinery, Axel keeps the party going all night long!
Bresaola chicken tri-tip boudin pork belly, filet mignon andouille sausage hamburger salami turducken. Jerky drumstick shoulder boudin, pork chop short loin ham. Shoulder brisket beef burgdoggen meatloaf ham hock. Hamburger venison shoulder pig cow. Burgdoggen turkey brisket spare ribs ham sausage frankfurter porchetta rump.
Proffesional Life:
Sausage tail sirloin kielbasa. Short ribs salami alcatra flank pork belly. Sausage pork loin doner meatball, hamburger andouille venison beef ribs pig turkey. Ball tip shankle boudin ribeye.
With more degrees than a thermometer and more drums than an oil refinery, Axel keeps the party going all night long!